Bezala news 4/2024

Improvements to usability and new functionalities.
Greetings from the Bezala team! 👋
We believe that processing receipts and travel expenses with Bezala should be as intuitive as possible. Recently, we have made several improvements to the usability of Bezala. 💯
We have also added many functionalities that our customers have requested to the system. In our "Get the Most out of Bezala" webinar (🇫🇮), we will go through the latest updates and provide tips on how to use previously released functionalities.
Latest updates
Bezala is developing rapidly, and there is always something new to learn. In the "Get the Most Out of Bezala" webinars, you get a 30-minute overview of the latest updates.
In the next webinar, we will also provide tips on how to optimize your organization's use of Bezala with previously released functionalities. The webinar will be held in Finnish. 🇫🇮
Welcome to the webinar!
Latest updates
- Text change: "Waiting to be completed" state is now called "Drafts" in browser version. We will make the change to the mobile app later on, too.
- Per diem account codes have been brought to the Accounts page.
- If the user hovers over the emission row on the mileage form, Bezala now shows a tooltip which explains the meaning of the CO2e/kg
- After approval/disapproval, Bezala will show the next transaction on the list as active instead of returning to the first transaction on the list.
- You can now save rewards with future dates in Bezala
- Users with the Employee role can now create copies of their own expenses. These copies will be created as drafts which can be then completed by the user
- All reminder emails will be sent from "” from now on. Please don't reply to these messages
- Conditional fields can now be made mandatory.
- Batches to be sent to Procountor may contain max 30 transactions from now on (to prevent too large file sizes).
Check all the latest updates here
Tips and tricks – Optimize your use of Bezala
Here are three tips to optimize your use of Bezala:
1. Set a stand-in approver
If you approve expenses in Bezala, you can set a vacation substitute for yourself. In the browser version, go to your own profile in browser version and check the "On vacation now" box. Then, select a stand-in user from the drop-down menu to substitute for you during your absence in approving expenses.
Also, set a calendar reminder for yourself to remove the vacation substitute when you return to work.
2. Use email rules to speed up the categorization of email receipts
Email rules can automate the categorization of forwarded receipts from your email based on the expense type, payment method, VAT rate, and cost center. Check out the usage instructions to set up email filters.
3. Force the selection of dimension information
Do your organization's users sometimes forget to select the cost center for expenses? You can set dimension required from from the Cost Centers page.