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Bezala news 8/2024

Bezala uutiset

Improvements to usability, German as language option and other useful features.

Hello! ☀️

We are excited to share some updates with you. We have improved Bezala's usability, added German 🇩🇪 as a new language option and released several other useful features. Additionally, we have been preparing for the upcoming changes in Finnish VAT rates that will take effect from September.

To ensure a smooth transition, we started by investigating how the changes will affect us and our customers. We have already informed you about the impact of the changes on Bezala and have been working throughout the summer to make the transition as seamless as possible.

For most of our customers, the changes will not require any action. However, for some integrations, the new VAT rate will need to be added manually.

Please read our release on the effects of the VAT changes on Bezala and different integrations to ensure that your data is accurately recorded in the future.

VAT rate change in Finland – be attentive during the transition period

We will be adding a 25.5% VAT rate to Bezala from August 19, 2024, and the 24% VAT rate will remain in Bezala until April 30, 2025.

In early September will also change the default VAT rate to 25.5% for the purchase types that currently have default VAT as 24%.

We ask that you be extra careful when adding receipts during the period when both tax rates are visible in Bezala (August 19, 2024 - April 30, 2025). Always ensure that the VAT rate on the receipt form matches the percentage displayed in the actual receipt.

Please read our release (in Finnish) on the VAT changes to determine if any action is required for your integrations.

Latest updates


  • In company settings, you can now choose whether users can change the approval process of individual expenses and see the names of other users.
  • In the future, a user cannot be removed (manually nor through integration) if all of their transactions have not been reported to the tax authorities (if reporting is on).
  • You can now set a period for substitute holiday, and the substitution will automatically turn on or off when the holiday begins or ends. When sending data manually to accounting, you can filter the data by payment methods and expense accounts.


  • Bezala can now be used in German. 🇩🇪 You can now send a draft expense summary for approval all at once. The main menu has been updated with a new look.
  • The profile icon has been turned into a menu that includes user settings, forwarding email, and logout.
  • The budget layout has been modified to be more like the expense summary. In the browser version, the description of a new expense is no longer automatically copied from the previous expense, as this function is now available in the expense summary feature.
  • The buttons have been moved to the bottom of the page on the Users, Cost Centers, and Chart of Accounts pages.
  • After approval or rejection, the next expense in the list will be selected instead of the first expense. The content of the Company page has been reorganized.


  • An option has been added to the Netvisor integration to turn on or off the creation of payment suggestions (tilisiirtoehdotus).
  • In the Severa integration, you can now send all expenses as non-billable project expenses.

Check all the updates here.