0 min read

Settings pages improvement

During last weekend, Bezalas settings pages were improved. All settings pages now have the "action buttons" (Save, Edit, Add new) in the bottom-right corner. The settings pages also now have the same order: Basic information on the left, preferences in the middle and process-related settings on the right side.

The company settings view: 

Adding & Editing users:

Editing the Chart of Accounts:

Editing and adding Cost Centers:

Your personal Profile settings:

We hope you'll find these changes for the better. And as always, please contact us if you have any feedback, improvement suggestions or comment at all.

What else has been updated?

  • The SSN field (in user edit and profile) is now hidden until clicked on. This means that you won't see a users SSN unless you click on the field.
  • We've removed autocomplete from the following fields: accountant email & business ID
  • The Route field on the mileage form is not full-width, to better display the entire route.